A report which went viral on social media yesterday has alleged AMU Medical College canteen of serving ‘beef biryani’.


BJP Mayor Shakuntala Bharti, along with party leaders and several right wing activists, held a demonstration outside the office of Senior Superintendent of Police today, demanding registration of an FIR against the contractor of AMU medical college canteen for serving ‘beef biryani’.


“The contract for the canteen was ending on February 23. Some vested interests which were eyeing the lucrative contract deliberately floated a malicious rumour suggesting that cow meat was being served,” he said.

Patriotism — and the various Tebbit’s Tests the Sangh Parivar has tacked on to it — has indeed become the last refuge of the scoundrel; a license to do as you please so long as you wrap yourself in the fig-leaf of flag and country.

Incidentally, note the pattern? Toss some incendiary allegation out there; get ‘leaders’ to take up the ‘issue’; build controversy…

And while on manufacturing evidence — the gilding of the ‘anti-national’ lily, in the case of Kanhaiya Kumar, continues apace. I am not sure

I am not sure which is worse — that this party and its various arms relies so much on digital dirty tricks, or that it is so incredibly inept.

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