While scanning through my timeline sometime late last evening, I came across a reference to a “vicious commie bitch”, saw the video that provoked the comment, and found that the video in question was being passed on from hand to digital hand with great rapidity and undiluted venom.

Recent events having made me somewhat wary of truncated clips, I went looking for the original, and found this:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BByV2oqUgzU]

And then, on kafila.org, I found a piece by the vicious commie bitch in question had posted a response. (BTW, in quoting a particular tweet, I have no intention to point a finger, accusatory or otherwise, at its author — I cite it only because it is through the tweet that this story came to my attention).

The response provides some context, some background. It also, in part 2, looks into the antecedents of the Zee News editor-in-chief who, I understand, set this particular ball rolling.

Here is the response — not a suitably truncated one that fits any one side of the argument, but the thing whole and entire. Agree, disagree, differ, abuse, whatever — but at the least, view/read something in its entirety before you make up your mind. Or is that, in this “attention-deficit age”, asking too much?


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